Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Reason
TiredOfLife 15:17 1st May 2007
The two big kids in class are fighting.
Some other kids are trying to calm down the pair.
Other kids are taking sides.
If you are interested in Amiga Inc and Hyperion talking to each other without the use of lawyers, have a look at the link below.
AlexJ 15:24 1st May 2007
I find bits of Amiga Inc.'s case very funny to read:

Selected quotes:

Originally Posted by :
"Amiga identified an opportunity to help achieve its goal of re-emerging as an industry leader"

"Amiga's revamped business plan to return as a major, if not the top, player in the computer industry"

"...prevent Amiga from capitilizing on the opportunity to re-establish itself as a leader in the computing world"
What the hell are they smoking at Amiga HQ these days?!?
Stephen Coates 16:22 1st May 2007
Already signed it.

I think Amiga do have a good case against Hyperion but I think they should just accept the fact that Hyperion have made a nice product regardless of whether it went against the contract or not.
Harrison 16:31 1st May 2007
They definitely do seem under some large illusions to think they could easily position the relaunch of any Amiga product straight in as a potential market leader. The current systems in the marketplace are well entrenched in their sectors for anyone to suddenly be able to insert a completely new machine (it will be new to many considering the Amiga has been out of the mainstream marketplace for over 10 years).
TiredOfLife 18:00 1st May 2007
There is a lot more to it than the points above.
Have trawled through all kinds of Amiga Inc statements.
They are not only smoking put popping pills and injecting.
They may have some valid points where Hyperion is concerned but some of the other stuff is unreal.
No need to watch sopas anymore.
J T 14:00 4th May 2007
Originally Posted by TiredOfLife:
The two big kids in class are fighting.
Some other kids are trying to calm down the pair.
Other kids are taking sides.
Others are just standing around in a circle yelling FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

OK, just me then
Submeg 21:38 4th May 2007
Nope I'll join in!lol