Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Covid again!
Harrison 22:50 22nd October 2022
I've been feeling quite rough all week. Got worse Wednesday with a headache, streaming nose, started to cough and my breathing was starting to effect my asthma.

I did a covid test Thursday morning, but it was negstive. My wife started feeling ill that night and she tested positive Friday morning so stayed home off work.

This morning I finally tested positive. So that's a great start to my week off work.

We were meant to be going to the theatre tonight too so had to cancel that. There are no actual restrictions any more, you don't have to prove a negative test, show a covid passport or wear a mask any more. But I couldn't sit in a theatre knowing I had covid. The theatre were good and rebooked us for Thursday though. So that's something.

Bit annoying. I don't have the muscle aches yet this time though. But my wheezing asthma has got worse, whereas last time my breathing wasn't effected at all. My wife does have really aching knees and legs though and she's started to cough a lot now.

Tom also said he wasn't feeling very well last weekend, but not much came of it. So maybe he had it first. Its going around schools a lot at the moment. A lot of the teaching staff in my wife's school have been off with it.