Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Future proof career paths.
Harrison 09:15 5th October 2022
My son Tom has just started his final year in primary school. We are currently visiting secondary schools to find the best one, which we think we did yesterday. A really nice college not too far from home with a huge range of resources in all subjects to give him the maximum opportunity in any subject. And a really nice friendly atmosphere and staff.

But I wanted to ask? That career paths would you all consider the safest for him to consider for his future job security?

At the moment he's interested in Maths, Art, IT and has directly mentioned coding, loved Reading (but not English), and he is interested a bit in History. Not sure about languages yet. Sciences he's bit really experienced enough yet until secondary school.

But it won't really be until he's in Secondary school and he's had the chance to try and experience everything that he will really know But looking around the school yesterday I'm realky excited for him.

I can see renewable energy and the environment continuing to become a bigger industry as we move forward, so that's another idea if he's interested in subjects that lean in that direction.

He is interested in art and photography but that's probably because both my wife and I have art and design degrees and do a lot both professionally and at home.

Any ideas?