Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Boardgames
Harrison 11:00 23rd August 2022
Who here plays boardgames?

As Tom has got older we have really got back into them. Now he is 10 we are starting to explore more complex ones, and I am going to introduce him to some less compex table top war games and card battle games soon.

As a family our favouite boardgames that we play a lot are:

Ticket to Ride (Europe edition)
Triolet (a French game like Scabble but with numbers)

And occasionally:


There was a new boardgame released last year based on Minecraft that we quite enjoy.

I have a copy of Catan but I've found it hard to convince them to play it as they instantly thought it looked too complicated, which it isn't once you play.

There is a new independent boardgame shop just opened around the corner from my house. I went in there last week and the owner is a really nice guy. All his games are second-hand, so far cheaper than new ones. But he checks them all and guarantees they are complete. I bought a copy of Risk from him He had copies of all the versions and I ended up buying the original, rather then the newer ones with plastic figures. Mainly because he said he had stock of spare parts. I have a feeling I will be buying more from him soon. If interested his store is I'm sure he had a website but couldn't see it. But Googling Alfies boardgames Bognor Regis brings up a lot of info.

There are loads of more advanced boardgames, card battle games and tabletop war games I want to try and get into with Tom soon. We do occasionally also play Pokemon.

Shortlist of games to get include:

Tiny Epic Galaxies and Dungeons
Heroquest (at £99 this ones quite an investment)

Have you played any of those?

Do you play any boardgames or tabletop games? Any you would recommend? I want to build up a good collection and have a gaming night one day a week.
Demon Cleaner 16:34 23rd August 2022
Well, well, well. Years ago I started to collect some, and I ended up having almost 100 of them, but most are still wrapped. The idea behind it was great, we both like playing board games, the reality is that we don't have time. During the week we both work full time, when weekend comes we sometimes want to go somewhere else, have to do shopping and when home, also want to perhaps relax and watch a movie. But you know me, once I get into something, I can't stop, but now I had to, didn't buy any since 1-2 years (only the Big Box of The Pursuit of Happiness still coming from a Kickstarter campaign).

We started playing in Finland a bit now, mainly Dixit, which is really fun with at least 4 players. This year we played also:

Similo (, might be interesting for a 10 year old.
Codenames (, great game, several versions out.
Lost Cities (, very fun 2 player card game.

I guess Carcassonne, Azul or Kingdomino are also quite nice games to pick up.

We absolutely love:

Jamaica ( and fantastic and easy and kid friendly is
Karuba (

Some other suggestions would be:

Tags (,
Bärenpark (,
Santorini (,
Camel Up (,
Animals on Board (,
Lanterns (,
Best Treehouse Ever (
Cartagena (

I have so many more but I can't write them all down here

I would steer away from Pandemic, as it's perhaps to complex to start with.
Harrison 17:39 23rd August 2022
Nice. Thanks for so many suggestions. Will be looking at those.
J T 00:21 29th August 2022
Uno always, ALWAYS ends in a fight here (I have three young kids and they are all fiesty).

Some of the Oatmeal games are fun and not too competitive, and work well with kids or adults. They can be used as a quick blast rather than an epic session. This also makes them good for travel/holiday/waiting play.

We have, and enjoy

A little Wordy
Tacocat spelled backwards

A Game of Cat and Mouth is more of an action game, but fun.

If you've ever had fun with Cards Against Humanity, you might be surprised to know there is a family version and the kids love it. You can still slip in a really inappropriate thing that kids might miss but adults will understand, but at least the language is clean.
Harrison 01:00 2nd September 2022
Had my first game of Risk with Tom today. And I was surprised because he got quite into it and was playing enthusiastically and taking the dice rolls seriously. He conceded defeat in the end, but has some good tactics during that game. It's been ages since I played Risk.
J T 05:30 2nd September 2022
I don't think I've ever actually played Risk.

I like boardgames, but Lady T isn't really keen (and if she is, she is SUPER competitive and doesn't like losing). I was looking forward to when the kids are mature enough to play boardgames with me, but I realise that may actually be never, especially with 3 of them.