Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Retro Arcade cabinet for sale locally
Harrison 13:08 4th May 2021
Someone on Facebook marketplace listed a newly built MAME style arcade cabinet for just £250 yesterday. You couldn't buy the flatpack cabinet kits for that, and it looked like it had proper arcade controls and a nice display. It states 3000 games included but otherwise absolutely no information about it. I messaged them asking what hardware was inside the cabinet and recieved a one word reply "windows".

Safe to say I didn't bother pursuing it further. Was it a genuine sale? Who knows. Maybe he just didn't quite know the real value or somehow acquired it via a friend or relative and had no idea. I sensed something a bit off with it though. If you were going to sell something like that surely you have a quick look online to gauge prices and the market?

There are some strange people out there though. But it does mean you can sometimes still grab a bargain. We managed to buy 2 nearly new armchairs for £25 for both! They were made by Next and we know they would have been about £400 each originally. The woman was originally listing them for £30 but knocked £5 off because she thought there might be a mark on the back of one. It was funny they appeared for sale because we had only just bought the matching sofa in a Next sale about 2 weeks before. Strange things happen.