Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: PiStorm
Harrison 06:48 20th April 2021
Now this could be a real game changer. Anyone wishing to buy existing Amiga accelerators, or any newly developed accelerators like the Vampire, will know they are expensive.

But not now with the PiStorm.

For just £38 (RPi 3 at £23 plus custom cable at £15) you can have a real Amiga running a very nice setup.

Someone has developed the ability to utilise a Raspberry Pi 3 connected to an A500/+ using a $15 custom cable. The PiStorm software then emulates an 030/040 up to 75-80Mhz, as well as emulating RTG, SCSI disk enulation (allowing you to connect any USB hard drive to the Pis USB port and run HDF files. And you can emulate any kickstart rom.

The video sorting RTG running is quite something.

I've not bothered needing adding with real Amiga hardware for years, other than using my existing setups. But the ability to do this at such ac price is really tempting me to dig one of my spare A500 Plus out.

This could be a wake up call to expensive accelerator developers.

And this is a RPi3. I wonder what could be achieved with a RPi4? I wonder if an A1200 version is possible?