Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: PS5 and Xbox Series S/X
Harrison 12:01 19th March 2021
Has anyone managed to buy either make of new console yet, are waiting, or are eventually planning to buy one or both?

I really wanted a PS5 before its release, but with the complete shortage of stock I don't mind waiting. There really are not that many new exclusive PS5 games yet, and although many PS4 games are already receiving PS5 updates for higher frame rates, 4K or better quality graphics and HDR I'm happy to continue with the PS4 at the moment. I've so many games to play and complete still so there's no rush. Plus it's hard to believe the age of the PS4, with so many games still looking very nice and haven't dated in the same as happened with older gen consoles towards their end.

I would actually be more interested in an Xbox Series X at the moment. I completely bypassed the Xbox One because of the "already have a gaming PC" argument, but with Game Pass and already subscribing to it for PC it would be a good system to own now to have instant access to a lot of games I haven't played to catch up. But as with the PS5, the Xbox Series S/X is currently in very short supply.

Anyone heard anything about possible return to normal stock of either system?