Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Raspberry Pi 4 and RetroPi
Harrison 20:47 28th December 2019
I was considering grabbing a 4GB Pi4 the other day, but does anyone know if RetroPi has been updated to support it yet?

Don't really want to buy the older 3.
Demon Cleaner 04:15 3rd January 2020
RetroPi is still not working with Pi4.
Harrison 08:53 16th January 2020
I've been reading that some community Pi4 updated versions of RetroPi have been created, but they are still not 100% working for everything. N64 is broken f ex. And they are build based on a PiZero build, so not ideal.

Will just have to wait until a real version is released. I might still grab a Pi4 to play around with other stuff until it is.
Harrison 01:55 30th December 2020
Exactly one year on and I finally have a RPi4 4GB as a birthday present from my wife yesterday. And RetroPi is fully supported now, so I can't wait to have a play with it.
Demon Cleaner 12:15 5th January 2021
Didn't play around with it for some time, but I got a very nice case from anidees, a bit expensive, but looks awesome.

Harrison 02:23 6th January 2021
Nice. I just got a really nice case too from Flirc. Completely aluminum with a cpu heatsink built into the case, so it disipates heat through the case.
