Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Retro gaming makes BBC home page
AlexJ 14:31 23rd April 2007
The ZX Speccy is featured as the lead item on today. Quite cool to see a retro gaming machine getting featured on the front page:

Harrison 14:43 23rd April 2007
Strange to see the Speccy featured on the BBC homepage considering they had the Acorn BBC Micro as direct competition back at that time. Didn't the BBC also get released before the Spectrum?
Stephen Coates 14:48 23rd April 2007
I think the BBC Micro got released before the spectrum.

Although I don't really think that there will be much competition between the two any more.
Harrison 14:57 23rd April 2007
There obviously wouldn't be any competition between the two platforms these days. I just thought that as the BBC Micro was so closely linked with the BBC in general that they would have featured that instead. But I suppose as the Speccy was a much greater success as a home computer you can see why they chose it.

BTW, did anyone notice the Commodore link under that article? Commodore in pictures.

They have a few images of Commodore machines throughout time, but they have some bad statements under the images. For one, under the Amiga picture they have the following:

Originally Posted by :
1985 saw the launch of the Amiga. The successor to the Commodore 64, the Amiga was designed to compete with Atari's ST computers.
Slightly back to front statement there!

And the BBC have, just like everyone else, given the impression that the new gaming Commodore computers are still from the old company:
Originally Posted by :
Veteran technology firm Commodore has launched a new generation of high-end gaming computers at the Cebit trade fair in Germany.
