Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Haiku OS
Stephen Coates 00:11 20th November 2018
Haiku OS (a modern clone of BeOS) finally entered Beta stage after many years of development.

I installed it on both my main PC and my laptop and I'm pleased to say it works very well. Its a bit buggy, but apart from that it seems reliable enough, and is very pleasant to use.

As with any uncommon OS, it has a bit of a shortage of software, but it does at least have a reasonably up to date web browser.

Its well worth a try if you haven't used it before.

Harrison 11:18 23rd November 2018
I've been looking forward to trying this out since it was announced. Will have to try to find the time over Christmas to have a play.

Other than the browser what other software is available? Does BeOS software run?
Stephen Coates 17:52 23rd November 2018
It comes with some basic software included. There's also the 'Haiku Depot' which contains additional software which can be downloaded.

There are separate 32 bit and 64 bit versions. I haven't fully tested it myself, but I think the 64 bit version has compatibility issues with older 32 bit BeOS software.
J T 23:21 25th November 2018
What are the advantages to this over, say, some of the other more widespread OSs?
Stephen Coates 08:44 26th November 2018
Nothing really. I'd say its more of a hobbyist OS rather than a Linux/Windows replacement.

I'd kind of liken it to AmigaOS in that it "works" and has some software. It probably has potential but a lot of people wouldn't want to develop for a niche OS when they can develop for something more well known like Linux.
J T 21:45 26th November 2018
Fair enough, perhaps I didn't really ask the question I was intending to.

What attracted you to this OS, and why not one of the other hobbyist level OS choices?