Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Nintendo 64 Mini rumours
Harrison 13:26 24th September 2018
After the success of the NES mini and SNES mini rumours have started to circulate that an N64 mini is on the horizon. Coincidence so soon after Sony's announcement?

The question is, is it needed?

The NES and SNES both sold out, but do we need an N64 mini? It wasn't the most successful system, but contained enough first party titles to put together a decent lineup. But would Nintendo bundle all the best titles? They didn't with the other minis.

Plus you have the launch of the retro store on the Switch allowing you to play a large library of titles. Also you already had access to the N64 library on the Wii. Obviously all needing to be purchased again.

Us retro fans should be rejoicing at all this retro goodness, but is it becoming overkill?

Personally I will stick to my original systems and their Everdrives. ;-)