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Thread: Where did you get your username from?
Submeg 21:15 4th May 2007
I have Mortal Kombat: Armageddon on the PS2, its got all the characters and is ok, but doesnt have the "it" factor to keep me playing...story mode is weird
cicobuff 20:18 6th May 2007
My user name comes from a track off the album "Blue Bell Knoll" by one of my fave old skool 80`s & 90`s ethereal dreampop/shoegaze pioneers "Cocteau Twins"

Still one of my favourite bands, ever.
Toasty667 19:45 7th May 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Do you know the MK MUGEN project then?
Originally Posted by :
The Mortal Kombat Mugen Project is a Remake of Mortal Kombat Trilogy, introducing new Moves, Gameplay features, Stages and even Characters like Hydro a "water" cyborg ninja from the game MK Special Forces. Ermac has the moves from MK Deception and looks more different to the other Ninjas as before.

It can be downloaded here.
I've known about that project. It's miles better than trilogy which is a surprise! Sorry Midway lol. Seriously the 1 player mode in Trilogy is unfair, the difficultly is the same on very easy as it is on very hard except for the first couple of fights! I'm a Mortal Kombat player and even I found that rediculous. On a side note MK2 had an annoying flaw which meant cpu controlled fighters could use techniques the human couldn't. I love Mortal Kombat but each version comes with a niggly flaw.
Sharingan 07:03 11th July 2007
Somehow, when I see Harrison's username, I always associate it with Indiana Jones

My username is from the Naruto manga (Japanese comic book series). Sharingan is a special kind of eye that allows its user to perform amazing feats, such as copying opponents' fighting techniques after only seeing them performed once, predicting movements as well as hypnotizing people.

It was either Sharingan, or Cannonball Head.
Submeg 07:45 11th July 2007
Hmm, nice choice
Harrison 15:40 11th July 2007
Nice name to pick.

Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Somehow, when I see Harrison's username, I always associate it with Indiana Jones
Star Wars surely !
Puni/Void 21:10 11th July 2007
P G is short for Punisher/Gods. Punisher was a handle I started using in 1994, when I first started gaining bigger interest for the Demo Scene. Have had that nick for a pretty long time now. The only thing that has changed through the years is the groups I've been a member of. Nowadays I tend to use Puni/Gods instead of the whole handle, so I might do a handle-change sometime in the future.
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