Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Site fund raising
Harrison 08:31 20th June 2018
Hi everyone.

It's come to a point in the site's life where the current forum software is coming to the very end of its life (vBulletin 4). They stopped developing it some time ago when version 5 had matured and it's maintenance and security updates are now about to end.

For this reason we need to look at options to upgrade the site to a new forum platform. The obvious one is to go for the direct uograde to the newer vBulletin 5. However many of the original vBulletin development team left the company and set up a new company to develop a whole new forum software called I've been taking a look at this and it looks really good. The developers got frustrated with vBulletin because it's become quite big and bloated over the years, and wanted to build a new forum software from the ground up that was lightweight and contained up to date code.

What this does mean however is that to perform this upgrade I need to ask for your help. The licensing upgrade to either vBulletin 5 or Xenforo plus addons needed will cost between £200 - 300. I can't currently afford to fund this myself so need to ask if you would all be willing to help?

And whilst I know this site is only an enthusiasts site for a group of friends to share interests, if I can get the site upgraded I want to then try to get it back to where it was when we had a larger active community. I will have a bit more time towards the end of the year to devote to the site to start pushing some new content and work on development. And to finally get the plan to create a proper emulator and emulation section built.
Tiago 10:13 20th June 2018
Count on me
Harrison 13:33 20th June 2018
Teho 14:09 20th June 2018
Sure, I can pitch in.

The norwegian forum I've been on for about as long as I've been on this one has been using XenForo for years and it seems to be quite slick indeed. Plugins seem much better too. Should be a good change.
J T 22:35 20th June 2018
I could chuck in a bit, but I'm pretty hard up with only one wage coming in (and 3 kids, 3 bloody animals, 2 cars to run etc etc) so it really won't be much I'm afraid.
Stephen Coates 12:11 22nd June 2018
Go on then, I'll stick £20 in.

Out of interest, how does the free forum software compare these days?