Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: What are you playing?
Harrison 11:33 15th March 2018
I own the Division but have never played it. Recommened?

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Demon Cleaner 15:24 15th March 2018
Not yet Played 4 missions together with the same people yesterday, and I really enjoyed that. Missions get quite difficult, but as you are 4 people, you can revive each other, and if all of you die, you just respawn just before where you died. Happened several times, but it was still fun.

Managed to get to level 10 during this 4 missions, and your gear starts to get better, plus you can upgrade your base operations which then give you nice talents and perks.

The game looks great, gameplay can get a bit repetitive, but as long as it’s fun, it’s fine. And I’m playing the single player campaign now, and it’s nice that you can get help from other people around. So far, the people joining were all around my level, which is also nice. The mission will always be as hard as the top leveled person in your team. The matchmaking is really good, you can even team up to free roam the city.

Didn’t yet go to the Darkzone, and honestly I don’t yet know what that is for? I only know that you get the best loot there. Anyhow, the game is a lot about looting and crafting, RPG style.

You have to know what you’re in the mood for before starting with the game, playing solo is killer commando, you won’t survive long, and you’ll get frustrated in no time. Playing with “friends” is a blast, and you can have hours of fun with the game.