Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Metroid Prime Federation Force, who is going to get it?
Ghost 10:14 18th August 2016
Hello all,

I don't know if there are any Metroid fans on this forum but I have been a fan of the franchise since Super Metroid back in the 90s. I have played almost all the games (exceptions are the original Metroid, it has not aged that well, and Metroid Prime pinball because it is a pinball game) with the highlight in my opinion being the period between Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime Corruption as us fans got a lot of game releases (not just the tpime games but also Fusion and Zero Mission)

But as you all know after Other M the franchise fell silent until last year Metroid Prime Federation Force was announced.
Now the fandom is really divided about this title, especially the fact that on Metroid's anniversary the only new release is a spin off.

There is also some controversy about a fan game that had to be taken down but that is different news.

I would like to ask to the people here who have been watching the news and who are perhaps interested in getting it.

Me, well I am curious I have to admit. Of course I also really much rather wanted a full main series title and I have to admit that the graphics are a bit of a downgrade as it has gone somewhat Chibi/Super Deformed.
The gameplay is also a bit more standard FPS (though a control method like Gamecube's Metroid Prime is also included) and is more focused on multiplayer which is a bit of a throw off as the series was always single player oriented. (developers have confirmed that a single player can play it)

I would like to try it but I do hope Nintendo are not going to switch the franchise to this type of gameplay.
As a spin off I am okay with Nintendo's developers trying something different for the franchise.