Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Amiga games you would like to see remade?
Harrison 09:30 16th April 2007
What Amiga games would you like to see remade today on a current system? Which current system would you like to see them released on and why?

For me many Amiga games should never be remade as the original versions are perfect as they are and any updates to the graphics or control system would ruin the balance of the game or how it originally felt and played. But there are definitely many Amiga games that would equally lend themselves well to a remake or sequel.

For me the biggest game I am still hoping to see a sequel that is more closely a remake than a true sequel is Frontier: Elite 2. Yes, there was a kind of sequel on the PC just after Frontier, but it wasn't all that different and most didn't think it was as good. Imagine how a true remake of Frontier could be created with current PC technology. They keep saying it is in the planning stages of a sequel, but that has been stated for many years now. I just hope that if they do eventually create a new Elite, that it will stick closely to the style and game play ideas of Frontier, but expand on them much more, giving the ability to leave your ship and roam space stations and planets, as well as some form of true interaction with in game characters.

Another game I would love to see a remake of is ShadowWorlds. I loved that game and the way it used dynamic lighting throughout the game. A remake of that would be great. It would probably lend itself to a hi-def console release more than a PC release though.
Demon Cleaner 10:07 16th April 2007
Hm, are you sure, a remake of Elite, as I find Elite also good as it is. And the latest releases of space sims are very good. Sure, I admit, if they manage to preserve the same feeling you had in the original, than yes, but if they begin to expand, they could also ruin it in many ways.
Yanni Oblivion 13:32 16th April 2007
It has just been announced that Stardust is getting a remake for the PS3. It shall be entitled Superstardust HD.

However I have known this for a while. I hate non-disclosure agreements.
Submeg 14:11 16th April 2007
Hey Hey Yanni is here!
AlexJ 22:15 16th April 2007
I'd like to see Stunt Car Racer redone, but ONLY if it kept the physics 100% the same (just a graphical update).
Harrison 22:26 16th April 2007
I reckon it wouldn't be all that hard to do a stunt car racer update as a homebrew project.
Teho 14:53 17th April 2007
Years and years ago some developer announced it was doing a Stunt Car Racer sequel. Obviously nothing has come of it, but at least someone had the idea. I can't remember who it was though.
Yanni Oblivion 02:26 18th April 2007
Originally Posted by Submeg:
Hey Hey Yanni is here!
Indeed I am, and I bring good tidings of information you shall not find anywhere else about the Stardust PS3 remake.......

......Well maybe one tiny piece.........

......the right analogue stick controls the direction of fire.

Wasn't that worth the build-up? Maybe not, but the question is "what does the R3 button do?". More on this in a future update.

( As I said earlier, stupid non-disclosure agreements )
cicobuff 13:22 18th April 2007
I would like to see a modern day update of the classic Wings game, that game has stood the test of time well, with an improved 3D graphics engine, tweaks in gameplay a modern day WWI dogfight game would be awesome.
TiredOfLife 18:21 19th April 2007
A 3D version of Defender of the Crown could be pretty good.
Could update the conquest part to a realtime warhammer type effort.