Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE v3.2.0 Betas
Demon Cleaner 13:08 7th September 2015
Beta 11:

Originally Posted by :
Beta 11

- Fixed A2386SX default video mode configuration, it is software controlled, not jumper like in older models. Fixes unexpected "Invalid configuration information" BIOS messages.
- Added A2386SX-only hack to enable working 1.4M floppy images, I assume it thinks connected drive is Amiga 1760k drive and it programs FDC to use 720k (1.4M half speed) bit rate.
- Autodetect *.ima PC disk images inside archives.
- Increased IDE emulation multiple transfer support from 64 blocks to 128 blocks (Max possible).
- Universal XTIDE BIOS load address is now user configurable. (Exxxx does not work in AT systems)
- x86 IDE emulation used wrong byte swapping mode if data port width was 16/32-bit (AT systems)
- Added support for IDE emulation edge triggered interrupts. ISA bus uses edge triggered interrupts, Fixes A2386SX IDE configuration hang.
- Only first non-autoconfig "board" was initialized if more than one was configured (for example both x86 AT IDE and XT IDE controller was enabled)
- Write-protect 0xDC000 region from Amiga-side writes if it is used by XTIDE Universal BIOS. This address conflicts with Amiga-PC shared memory space but fortunately it seems only beginning of this space is actually used for Amiga-PC communication.
- XTIDE Universal BIOS hardware is now correctly emulated.
- Per-monitor high DPI update caused repeated GUI re-open in some situations.
- DOSBox CPU modes now use DOSBox hardware timer emulation, fixes A2386SX floppy access delays.
- Added all currently available bridgeboard BIOS ROMs to ROM scanner.
- Cleaned up internal expansion ROM selection code.

NOTE: Nearly all previously created DOS HD images are not supported anymore due to wrong byte swapping. They need to be created from scratch.
Toni Wilen is online now

Demon Cleaner 03:37 25th September 2015
Beta 12 & 13:

Originally Posted by :
Beta 13 (64-bit)

- SCSI emulation INQUIRY command didnīt clear old data in output buffer (b7)
- Do not abort uaehf.device RDB parsing if drive init or bad block list is set.
- A2386SX 16M+ memory size crash fix.
- Implemented previously empty QEMU byteswap function, fixes 16-bit Cirrus Logic VGA text mode.
- zlib and libpng (used by screenshot function) updated to latest versions.
- Added PC 3.5" HD 21 sectors/track format to PC floppy size autodetection list. (DMF format)
- Renamed GUI Flash RAM file title, it is also used for A2286/A2386SX CMOS RAM.
- Big Aranym JIT merge. 64-bit version JIT supported. Includes big 32-bit JIT changes. May cause breakage. (Frode) PPC support is not (yet) 64-bit compatible.

Beta 12:

- Boolean config true value converts to 1 and false to zero before doing any calculations. someboolentry=[1-someboolentry] custom event string now works as expected.
- Bridgeboard in VGA graphics mode only updated part of display (and sometimes nothing was updated).
- ESP (53C94, FAS216 etc..) SCSI updates to support Multi Evolution (Needs FIFO used count and does odd things)
- Multi Evolution 500/2000 SCSI controller emulation added.
- XT bridgeboard timer gate 2 pin was not hooked up in DOSBox CPU mode. ("Timer2 control function failed")
- Removed RTC status bit hack, PIC_TickIndex() works now. ("The Real Time Clock has not been initialized")
- Delay bridgeboard emulated MDA/CGA VRAM write interrupts until next vblank to reduce number of interrupts. (Real hardware may or may not do same)
- Initialize bridgeboard add-on IDE controllers after Z2 boards (was after Z3 which prevents them to initialize if used KS ROM does not support Z3 boards and at least one Z3 board was enabled).
- Adjusted MDA/CGA emulation mode hsync/vsync reporting, some programs had really slow screen updates.

Multi Evolution 500/2000:
- Not autoconfig but has boot ROM at $f00000 region. (Autoconfig is only for RAM expansion)
- Boots also under KS 1.2. (Boot ROM does some ugly system patches)
- Long word wide fake DMA.
- Boot image that also shows SCSI detection diagnostics messages.
- At least v3.0 ROM version driver does odd things, it sends MESSAGE ACCEPTED command first, then it reads the message byte.

Demon Cleaner 11:33 28th September 2015
Beta 14:

Originally Posted by :

Beta 14:

- 64-bit JIT fixes. JIT FPU also fixed. (Frode)
- RDB parser dumps block contents to the log if parsing fails.
- SCSI tape request sense tape position bits (end/beginning) was not reported correctly (b7)
- UAE devices (uaeserial, uaescsi and so on) are now supported under KS 1.2.
- Directory harddrives and uaehf.device is now KS 1.2 automount/boot capable.

KS 1.2 boot notes:
- Logic reverse engineered from Multi Evolution SCSI driver.
- First drive in Harddrives panel is boot drive, even if it has lower boot priority than other drives.
- If boot priority = -128 (no autoboot): donīt enable fake DF0: boot disk hack.
- Ugly hack. Temporarily patches DoIO() to inject fake df0: boot block and PutMsg() to get control after dos has been initialized.

Demon Cleaner 11:23 30th October 2015
Beta 17 & 18 (RC1):

Originally Posted by :

Beta 18: (RC1)

- If dragndrop to GUI closed GUI (for example config file with show_gui=no), invalid GUI windows handle was accessed.
- Donīt parse command line again when restarting emulation (for example by loading new config when emulation has already been started). Previously command line overrode new config.
- "Forget" all remembered scan line states when forcing full refresh, previously some border region scan lines were not refreshed properly when display parameters, for example centering, changed.
- Fixed named pipe unicode format buffer size calculation bug.
- If last command line parameter is a path and it looks like config file or state file: load it automatically. Adds support for dragndrop over winuae.exe shortcut with other parameters in shortcutīs Target field.
- Automatically resolve all shortcut (*.lnk) paths in command line.
- D3D9 non-shader mode forgot scanline texture when switching modes.
- Fixed off by one bug in input device re-enumeration causing keyboard layout B->A or C->B change.

Beta 17:

- Trace mode in 68000 cycle-exact was 4 cycles too long.
- 68000 cycle-exact mode STOP needs at least 8 cycles before it can wake up.
- Memory-only cycle exact crash when entering GUI.
- Memory-only cycle exact shortcut config entry cycle_exact=memory (Old false and true values have not changed)
- Only use picassoiv_rom_file config entry if it contains valid path. (Workaround for some config files that contain picassoiv_rom_file=:NOROM for some reason)
- Z3 Picasso IV was disabled if there was not enough address space even when JIT was disabled (b16).
- JIT on/off change was not delayed until it was safe to do, like other CPU option changes. uae-configuration (or similar) on the fly config changes were unreliable in this situation.
- FAT drive mounted as a directory harddrive: fileīs modification time was not always correct. (2.6.0, wrong date field name)
- Warp mode fps limit added, config file only: warp_limit=fps
