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Thread: Who's upgrading to Windows 10?
Tiago 12:19 24th March 2017
I never had a problem with Win 10 games. Don't even remember if Win 10 did ever crash in my laptop.
Kin Hell 10:41 25th March 2017
WinXP kind of set a Micro$oft winner. - 8.1 was sort of OK but had USB issues everywhere & now that I'm on a Legit 10 Pro, I can't complain other than the shite front end....

However, a quick Install of Classic Shell & life is good again!
Harrison 10:43 26th March 2017
8.1 sort of ok? I hated 8 to the point where I owned it but never installed it as a main os on any of my systems. Ended up just using it as a legal upgrade route to 10.

It was horrible to use on a laptop too as the touch pad gestures would keep dumping back into the tiled start randomly whilst doing things. And the slide out side menus were really annoying.

For many, including myself, 10 is the proper successor to 7 and has a very similar feel with many of the nt system menus restored.

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Harrison 10:48 26th March 2017
Regarding xp. I never liked it as much as 2000 Pro. That was my favourite windows os until 7. I only had to upgrade from 2000 to xp because adobe forced it due to some software such as photoshop, premiere and After Effects requiring it.

XP definitely got better after sp2. Before that it felt as stable as 95. However I moved on to Vista as soon as it came out, and unlike others really liked it. Mainly because I built a new system just for it which had enough cpu power and ram; the 2 reasons people really couldn't get it to work well, which was the same problem when xp was released.

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Kin Hell 10:03 27th March 2017
8.1 was sort of ok for me. Not entirely happy with it & so nearly went back to Windows 7....

Win10 Home is not as good as Pro. We know it's always been the same with every M$ OS release, though why there is any need to short change the customer is beyond me!
Harrison 12:28 27th March 2017
Very true, but you kind of see their idea. Home is always more locked down to try to prevent the average user tinkering, breaking something, then blaming the os. Such as the idea to force auto updates because so many people never updated XP meaning security issues were never patched, but they still moaned when the exploits were breached.

Whereas pro/ultimate gives you the keys and let's you disable or decide when. You still have to do updates but can defer them for up to a month.

Probably the most annoying thing about 10 home are the auto updates. Why do m$ insist that as soon as they have downloaded it takes over and installs them regardless of that you were doing? My wife has 10 home on her laptop and can be working on school stuff, when suddenly it switches to the installing updates screen and then reboots; wasting 10+ mins sitting there waiting. Why not do the older method of installing updates when you shut down? With pro you don't have this issue and I keep meaning to update her laptop to it.

I normally run the update check and install just before going to bed so it can be left to get on with it.

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Stephen Coates 17:49 27th March 2017
Originally Posted by :
Who's upgrading to Windows 10?
Not me
Harrison 23:32 27th March 2017
You on windows 95 yet Steve? Or still planning the upgrade from dos to 3.11? ;-)

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Kin Hell 08:34 2nd April 2017
Originally Posted by Harrison:
You on windows 95 yet Steve? Or still planning the upgrade from dos to 3.11? ;-)

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@ Harrison

Try God Mode for Windows 10.

Create a New Folder on your Desktop called "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"

I did it on my C: Drive & pinned it to the Start Menu.
Stephen Coates 16:22 2nd April 2017
Originally Posted by Harrison:
You on windows 95 yet Steve? Or still planning the upgrade from dos to 3.11? ;-)

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I understand Windows 10 doesn't support floppy drives anymore, so that could well be an issue .
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