Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Arduitape
Buleste 10:02 23rd February 2015
A friend and I have designed and built a simple Arduino based wav player with full motor control for use as an tape player for 8-bit machines. At the moment it's proven working for Electron and MSX but the more computers it's tested on the better.

I'm in the process of documenting how to build so here's some of the verboard circuit designs.

Filter Bottom.jpg
Filter Top.jpg
Nano Board Bottom.jpg
Nano Board Top.jpg
Tiago 10:58 23rd February 2015
Hi Buleste, as an Arduino fan and ZX lover, you got my attention!

Can you explain better what are you doing? A wav player? Is is something like a pcb with a sdcard to read wavs and then a 2.5 jack as output? Motor control for use as a tape?? How's that? Do you want to create a cassette loader?
Buleste 14:04 23rd February 2015
The reason for motor control is because, certainly on the MSX, many tape games need to be paused whilst loading for the computer to draw a loading screen etc. and on a tapeplayer this is controlled by a 2.5mm jack however playing through a normal wav player/iPod/Tapdancer you have to pause the playback yourself or the game will not load. With this you have plug in the 2.5mm jack and it pauses or stops the wav playback which means you can also load multiload games easier.

It's a Arduino Nano with a serial I2C 1602 screen, an SD card, a 2.5mm female jack, a 3.5 mm female jack, and a LM386 amplifier.

At the moment you have to convert the tape files to WAVs and then put them on the SD card but eventually we want the conversion to be done by the Nano as well.

Here's the Github for the original version which uses a standard 1602 screen.

How my final build looks.
Stephen Coates 14:33 23rd February 2015
That sounds good. I might have a go at building it.
Tiago 14:42 23rd February 2015
Sorry, my English play's tricks on me. I still don't understand what you mean with motor control, do you mean a real motor like the ones you got on a tape loader?
I don't know MSX, but for an ZX you would just need the functions to play/pause/stop the wav, maybe fast forward to find next levels, like outrun as example.
The MSX needs to pause the loader? Does it give the order to the loader, automatically? where the motor fit in this?
Buleste 08:34 24th February 2015
In a cassette player the computer would tell the tape player to pause the motor at certain stages of the load with the Arduitape it pauses the wav playback.

I have started writing a blog on how to build the Arduitape Mark II here.