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Thread: Coffee
Stephen Coates 19:25 11th May 2008
Anyone here got any recomendations on coffee?

I'm getting a little bit bored with supermarkets own brand coffee, especially after having alots of filter coffees and espresso based coffees from shops like Marks & Spencers and Costa, which have been very nice, if not a little expensive (I wonder how much profit costa make out of a £2.35 medium latté).
Teho 19:58 11th May 2008
No idea if you can get Friele in England, but if you can, try it. Best coffee in the world.
Tiago 20:07 11th May 2008
well, here in Portugal, and also in Italy, we have the best coffe in the world!!!
Both contries have the biggest traditions related to coffee.
Portugal started when we reached Brazil, Angola etc...

Coffe is good for 3 things:

- Machine brand, the best brand is "Cimbanilo" (Italy) used only for expressos, you can see it in coffes shops/restaurants in Portugal/Italy. This machine use water with high pressure to take a good caffe. It is big, +/- 1 meter large, the bigger ones can take 6 coffees in a row. In Italy/Portugal in a normal day in the morning a coffee shop with a machine like this take around 600 coffes in a single hour.
Small machines can produce a very good coffee to.
Nespresso from Nestle is probably the best one.

- coffe brand (not so important as the machine, belive it !)
In Portugal "Delta" should be the best one"
In Italy, there are 4 or 5 excellent brands, i like segafredo.

-water (very very important), if the water is to much clean and pure it will not take good coffees. Do not use water from bottles, is no good, it has to be from your normal canalization.

Dont forget, the greatest coffee is allways expresso, and it should be very small cup.
Smaller means stronger or more concentrated.
Zetr0 21:37 11th May 2008
for regualr (at home instant coffee) *i can hear Taigo wincing at that*

I would recomend, Nescafe, Gold Blend... there is no other instant as good... Also their decafe version is perfect in taste too.... all though i end up with caffine withdrawal symptoms though.

I would also like to suggest Cart Noir make a nice roast too for instant... available from any supermarket.

when imma out and about then normaly i go with a strong arabic blend in a latte'
AlexJ 23:17 11th May 2008
Originally Posted by Zetr0:
I would recomend, Nescafe, Gold Blend... there is no other instant as good.
I disagree - much prefer Nescafe's Black Gold or Alta Rica.
sarek2k 23:27 11th May 2008
I disagree with you all TETLEY tea rules

if i'm forced a coffee i'll have either nescafe or kenco.
Buleste 09:23 12th May 2008
Rules for coffee.
1. NEVER drink instant. It's the work of the Devil.
2. Coffee should only be strength 4 or 5. Anything else is pointless.
3. Coffee is made by adding boiling water onto coffee grounds and then after a few minutes the liquid is poured into a mug and milk and sugar can be added. NOTHING ELSE.
After that it is up to personal taste as to which bean, country to try.
Harrison 01:43 26th November 2014
I've been enjoying a couple of really nice instant coffees lately.

Nescafe Barista style - a blend of instant and ground beans.

Kenko Millicano - if you like strong dark roast.
Stephen Coates 08:22 26th November 2014
What capsules do you have Puni?

I'm still on the Marks and Spencers Italian blend. I did try and change to decaffinated a few years ago, but that didn't work out. I just try and drink the regular coffee a bit less these days.

I don't have instant at home (no point really), but my Dad has had some of that stuff where they mix some regular coffee with instant. Can't remember the particular type that he had, but he did once mis-pronounce it as 'al jazeera'. That was quite good.
Harrison 09:44 26th November 2014
That's Nescafe Azera
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