Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Elite: Dangerous
Demon Cleaner 08:29 20th November 2014
Fine, but they shouldn't be mandatory.
Harrison 12:42 20th November 2014
I suppose you could argue the Arcade mode exists in GT for those that don't want to spend a long time working their way through the simulation/career main game... but GT has always been billed as a Driving Simulator, so the licenses are meant to all be a part of that. In real life even F1 drivers have to earn a super license before they can race.
Harrison 01:23 15th December 2014
I've finally been looking to buy the dedicated flight controls, now that the release of Elite is on Tuesday, and was set on getting the Saitek X52 Pro, but after reading some more reviews and comparisons between different controls I've now decided to try and get the newer Saitek X55 instead as they suddenly seem to be the same price in some stores, and the X55 is a better product, so I think it's worth it.

Something that struck me is that none of the controllers have force feedback, not even something like the expensive Warthog. For that money you might expect it, especially when you consider a £100 wheel has it. Anyone got any ideas what has happened to force feedback and flight controls? I remember years ago the Microsoft controllers having it.. was it the Sidewinder?
Harrison 03:18 18th December 2014
I've been playing Elite a bit this evening now it's finally released and I'm really enjoying it.. however I've been having some issues with docking and thought I was doing something wrong, but I made sure I was docking at the correct numbered pad each time, I was straight and lowered the ship down slowly to the pad with the landing gear down... but it just wouldn't say I had landed/docked, it would touch down and just bounce against the ground until the time ran out and I had to quickly get out of the area and request docking again.

Turns out this is a really stupid thing at the moment, which could maybe be viewed as a bug? Your ship has to be facing the control tower on the pad. If it's the wrong way it won't let you dock, so you have to rotate your ship around until it decided you are the correct way and then it seems to work. Mad and so frustrating!

Until my flight controls arrive I've had to play the game using an Xbox 360 controller and keyboard/mouse combination. 360 controller works really nicely, but it doesn't have enough controls on it for everything, so you have to still control things like landing gear and hyperspace engage from the keyboard, and side thrusters have to be controlled using Q and E, so a bit annoying for docking. Can't wait to get the dedicated control stick and throttle. Should made the game 100 times more enjoyable.
Demon Cleaner 05:15 18th December 2014
What's the name of the book again, wait... Ah yes, Elite Dangerous: Docking is Difficult