Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Enjoying old adventures again with Dosbox and ScummVM
Ghost 17:57 8th April 2007
Hello all,

As usual I am always the last again to discover this, most of you probably have been using these programs for weeks or months already, but thanks to Dosbox and ScummVM I can enjoy all those good Dos games (mostly adventures) without going through the pain of making all kinds of routines or putting two different OS on my computer.

Despite their age I still enjoy games such as Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, The Dig, and Star Trek 25th Anniversary/Judgement Rites.
I am not sure if I am going to run the Secret of Monkey Island 1 and 2 again as I have been kind of spoiled with Curse of Monky Island and Escape From Monkey Island.
Of course part 1 and 2 were still the best but its disappointing that there never was a third game of the same developers.

In case any of you is interested, there is a fan project to create a new Indiana Jones graphics adventure.
They have been busy for seven years now and last year they released a demo.

While I enjoyed hearing Doug Lee's voice (he voiced Indy in the games) in The Infernal Machine, I never enjoyed the more action based Indy games such as Infernal Machine and Emperor's Tomb as much as the adventure games, probably because of control and a console approach.