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Thread: First snow
Demon Cleaner 04:10 21st November 2013
So who of you had already snow this winter?

In Luxembourg it started yesterday evening around 8, and this morning it was still snowing, although not a lot, and the highways were already pretty clean at 6. We had about 6-7 cm and it continues snowing, but it's 0 degrees, so at the moment, the snow is basically melting straight away.
Stephen Coates 09:26 21st November 2013
We had a thin covering of snow last night, but it had gone by this morning.
Tiago 12:28 21st November 2013
14 degrees here, i don't see rain i don't know how many days... snow?... what's is snow..??
Last time i saw it was in Switzerland 2 or 3 years ago.
Harrison 13:28 21st November 2013
The news and papers tried to scare the UK last week, saying we needed to prepare for the worst winter and snow this week, and continuing for 3 months.

So far I have had a lot of rain and some very sunny afternoons. If has been quite cold, about 3 degrees, but no signs of snow.

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Phantom 15:14 21st November 2013
Lucky bastards, we have full of rain, but no snow as usual. Hey Charlie, pack me some snow and send it to Crete please.
Teho 05:44 22nd November 2013
Been dry here and looks like it will stay that way for a while. It's cold enough for snow though, but not so bad yet. Temperature stays at around -5C. Makes for some nice and icy roads in the mornings, great fun watching the idiots who haven't changed their tyres be surprised by november ice and/or snow in Norway. There are some every year. You'd think everyone would be familiar with this here, right?
Kin Hell 10:42 22nd November 2013
Originally Posted by Phantom:
Lucky bastards, we have full of rain, but no snow as usual. Hey Charlie, pack me some snow and send it to Crete please.
LOL Antonis. No snow here I'm afraid. Just gorgeous sunshine the last 2 days despite temps as low as 4 Deg C.

I love sharp & sunny crisp days.

Ask DonAmiga for some Snow. I'm sure they've had plenty in Scotland already.
Stephen Coates 11:31 22nd November 2013
Teho, that's good that they have laws requiring the use of correct tyres. Here, in the snow/ice, most cars just have regular tyres, and then the drivers (who often lack both technical knowledge and common sense) tend to wonder why they don't work right.

I pondered buying some snow tyres for my bike a few years ago, but I never got round to it, and I haven't really been out in the snow since.
Harrison 16:39 22nd November 2013
Even when it's really icy or just extremely wet you still don't get many slowing down in the UK, then they wonder why there are always bad crashes when the weather getting a little bit bad. Last week we had really heavy rain and you just couldn't see much at night, but they were still hammering it along the motorway doing 90. They think because they are in a 100K Range Rover it will stick to the road better.. they forget that their car also weighs 3 times more.
Harrison 08:39 22nd November 2013
Is it law to fit winter tyres there or just up to the driver?

I don't really have much knowledge of them here as we would probably need them about 5 days of the year at most. What is different about them?

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