Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Earth and Beyond (Space MMO)
Harrison 23:33 18th September 2013
Did anyone else play the Space MMO Earth and Beyond?

It was released in 2002 and ran until 2004. Wiki link here.

This was, and still is, one of my favourite MMOs, and space trading games.

Net 7 Entertainment Inc.

Since its demise (EA closed down the game servers in 2004), a dedicated group of people calling themselves Net 7 Entertainment Inc. (Net 7 is a famous location within the game) managed to reverse engineer the game and create the Earth and Beyond Emulator. This works much like the original game, with the original game client plus a special Net-7 unified installer which patches the game to work with their own servers. You then create an account and log into their servers to play the game.

AFAIK they have managed to reconstruct pretty much the whole game as it was, plus add in 2 additional races you can play that were not active yet in the original game, plus they have expanded the game universe to make it larger then it was originally.

Playing it again

I tried the Net 7 release when it was first in development. It worked but you couldn't do that much. However it is meant to be fully working these days so I thought I would give it another try and see if the game is still as good as I remember from all those years ago.

You can download the client and join the game from:
