Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Cool stuff to do with a 030/040
Tiago 10:13 12th March 2013
i was just thinking what should i do now.
I have a 1200 with a blizzard 030 and a A4000 with a 040.
I have classicWB in both.
The A1200 has 3.1 roms but the A4000 not, it is waiting for a new ones (3.1)

I tried OS3.9 before, and i will put it in one of them, but i want to try something different in the other one.
I also installed Amigasys AGA 3.0 some time ago, maybe the next 4.0 version....

Anyone saw the Aros 68K runnign in a real Amiga?
What about software for the OS, what crazy stuff did you do? SCUMMVM, does it run nice? DOSBOX? what about it?
What emulators did you run with success? Other cool software ?
Tiago 15:32 18th March 2013
Hello.... Anyone?
Stephen Coates 20:11 18th March 2013
They should definitely be suited to OS3.9. But you can do pretty much all OS3.9 stuff in 3.1 so either will do.

Can't say I've done a great deal of stuff with my '030. I've had IBrowse for web browsing and WookieChat for IRC.

I did try to get SheepShaver going once, but I had difficulty getting my Mac disk images onto the Amiga so didn't get very far .
Harrison 00:55 19th March 2013
Your A4000's 040 has an MMU. They don't get used much as an Amiga, but you need one to be able to run Amiga distros of Linux, so maybe try those out.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Tiago 09:39 19th March 2013
Linux yes, but first i would like to put OS3.9, don't know yet, if 3.9 ou classicwb 3.9, or even amikit.
A friend of mine just create the 3.1 ROMs for me, they should arrive in the next days, This A4000 still had the 3.0
Harrison 13:12 19th March 2013
My A4000 had 3.0 roms for a long time. You can still run 3.9 with 3.0 roms, just by loading the 3.1 roms into ram at boot time. Worked for me, but has been a long time so can't remember how I did it.

Also, just sold my A4000... very sad... but I never used it, and Kin Hell will get much more enjoyment from it than I had time to.
Kin Hell 11:42 20th March 2013
There are lots of Kickstart programs on Aminet>

Must get the A4KD's Caps replaced asap. Anyone know the best chap to get the re-work done?
Harrison 12:06 20th March 2013
There are a couple of people on Amibay in the UK that offer the service. I can contact them for you and see what they would quote and how long it might take.