Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: looking for the game's name, star wars
jahromi 19:09 23rd January 2013
Hello friends, lets get straight to it!
I used to play a version of star wars but I don't remember the exact name. You could build robots in it and control them, put batteries for them and they would dance for you! also you could switch the game and go to a planet where you put animals and plants and also you could go to the city under the ocean and check it.
It was between 1998 to 2002 that I played the game. I didn't understand the game that time but know that I'm older i think I want to play it again!

Thanks a lot for your helps!
Ghost 21:50 3rd February 2013
I can be wrong but I think you mean the game Star Wars Pit Droids (not confuse with Star Wars Droids which is a complete different license)

And there is also this game