Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Amigula
Demon Cleaner 13:20 28th December 2012
AMI.G.U.LA. (Amiga Games UAE Launcher) is a Windows application (Mac and Linux ports are scheduled to follow), allowing you to manage and enjoy your Amiga games collection. You can scan for your games, add them in a library, search for them, view their screenshots, listen to their music and of course, launch them in WinUAE so you can play them!
Teho 23:14 28th December 2012
Had a quick look at this and it certainly has potential. But, it still has some way to go too. Obvious why this is in beta. I had some trouble defining the paths in this, for example I couldn't define the path of the WinUAE configs. Amigula wanted it to be at the default location, which mine isn't. Also it asked for the path to the WinUAE executable every time I opened the program, even though the path was saved in my preferences. Scanning my library worked fine, it not only adds games but most demos as well which is nice. Autolaunching games is an issue though as for the ones I tried it wanted to launch the WHDload version, but just ran a standard config with the path to the WHDload file in DF0: which of course doesn't work. So they have some work to do still, but it's definitely an interesting project. Will be watching this.
Harrison 02:28 29th December 2012
Always great to see a new frontend for WinUAE. Most existing ones are no longer maintained.

Lets hope this one continues.
Phantom 08:45 30th December 2012
Amigula eh? Initials put smartly to make it Amigula (that means 'my lovely and little Amiga' in greek).
Teho 22:45 30th December 2012
Ah, that explains it. I thought they were going for a Caligula reference which I didn't understand why on earth they would want to.