Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Universal modchip Infectus
Demon Cleaner 18:45 28th March 2007
Originally Posted by :
Excite Truck? Have you seen MotorStorm on the PS3?
Submeg 21:27 28th March 2007
Excite Truck, Motorstorm...its all the same
J T 20:01 29th March 2007
Yeh I seen pics of it. Looks good, nice graphics, high def yadda yadda

Teho 20:49 29th March 2007
I have to agree. To me, Motorstorm is a plain average game. It's enjoyable enough, but not much to get all excited about. There's huge tracks and lots of detail, and yes there's some gameplay. It's not bad, but you've seen it all before. It sure do look sweet though.
Demon Cleaner 21:03 29th March 2007
I'm the same opinion as Teho. The game really looks good, but is it really something different than Flatout 2 or Eve of Destruction, no. It's a game to make a copy of, and not for buying
Harrison 21:13 29th March 2007
I also agree with you both. I was just point out the Excite Truck is a poor second to MotorStorm as both are very similar in idea. Maybe the Wii control system does give it a unique aspect, but for racing games I much prefer a decent PS2/3 controller.
J T 21:19 29th March 2007
Have you played excite truck? I've not played motorstorm so can't offer an objective comparison, but ET is one hell of a fun game, the graphics aren't very good but then we all knew that already.
Demon Cleaner 22:08 29th March 2007
Originally Posted by :
the graphics aren't very good
They're not bad either.
Submeg 23:24 29th March 2007
But why is it so good????
Demon Cleaner 13:43 2nd April 2007
The Infectus crew now managed it (as 1st modchip team), to read the 360 kernel. Following video shows how the NAND flash of the 360 is read over an Infectus modchip, and shown in a hex editor,

YouTube video.
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