Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Favourite Albums of all time
Harrison 15:52 9th October 2013
What are some of your favourite Albums of all time?

You cannot include compilations containing different artists. It has to be an original album released by a single artist, and you have to like the whole album, but just one or two tracks.

I will get the ball rolling with an obvious one. Pink Floyd - The Wall. Amazing concept album that I would listen to all the time on vinyl.
Tiago 16:32 9th October 2013
Very difficult to answer...

Pink Floyd - Dark side of the Moon
Pink Floyd - Meddle
Pink Floyd - The final Cut
Therion -Theli
Metallica - Kill'em All
Opeth - BlackWater Park
Anathema - A Fine Day to Exit
Devin Townsend - Physicist
Led Zeppelin - II
Deep Purple - Machine Head

The Wall Album from Pink Floyd sure is amazing, i love it to, but those 3 i mention, are in my opinion in a higher level for the year they were made. Final Cut was almost a Roger waters album performed by Pink Floyd, but very good. Dark Side of the Moon, is for me the best album ever of all time. the wall is good but i have to be in that special feeling to listen to it, this reminds me the Umaguma album... hard, very hard to listen. Meddle is superb to, all songs are good, but echos is amazing.

I didn't put on the list "Wish you were here", because only Shine one you crazy Diamond (1st and last rack) are absolutely perfect, the rest o f the album is not so good. the first track Shine one you crazy Diamond (parts I-V) is the best song ever. Shame that the rest of the album is not so good.
Kin Hell 11:02 10th October 2013
Too many to list, but I listen to this sort of stuff when I can these days.

Farewell Ferengistan by Banco De Gaia

Ynys Elen is one of my favourites....
Teho 14:18 10th October 2013
I've always had a soft spot for the swiss electronica duo Yello. And their album Pocket Universe is one of my all time favourites. Used to be my Frontier: Elite 2 soundtrack. It fit really well being electronic, space themed and also about long journeys.
Kin Hell 07:49 11th October 2013
@ Teho

Yello as in this lot?

Some nice rally driving to the same soundtrack....

Teho 14:39 11th October 2013
Yes. That and the other most well-known songs of theirs are in that style and are from their older eighties albums. But they've continued to make music up till recent times, their latest album being from only last year. And their sound got way more electronic after that. They released an album called Zebra which sort of bridged that tranisition and then starting with Pocket Universe it's pretty much straight up techno/trance music. Allthough they are hard to define because of retaining a very unique style. Mostly owing to Boris Blank being a perfectionist who has recorded and built his entire sample library himself. No commercial sounds whatsoever. The albums after Pocket Universe, called Motion Picture and The Eye, are a little too far out there for my tastes though. But their latest, Touch Yello, is a call back to the sound of Zebra and is very good. In fact I can recommend all three of those albums, Zebra, Pocket Universe and Touch for checking out their later sound. But Pocket Universe is my favourite, which is what the topic asked for.

Here is On Track from Pocket Universe. Contrast that with their earlier songs. That one song is not representative of the entire album though, the album is a long-play album and should be listened to as a whole. Though it is a mid-nineties album and some of it, especially the intro, is pretty cheesy by today's standards. But I just can't stop liking it.

Kin Hell 10:38 13th October 2013
Not listened to that one before but yeah, ....very like-able.