Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: MOH: Warfighter
Harrison 02:44 29th October 2012
I enjoy a good FPS but I'm definitely not a hardcore FPS gamer. I generally enjoy the single player campaign games the most, with a good story, locations and script. Multiplayer is enjoyable, but not my priority.

I've had MPH: Warfigher already preloaded since last week in Origin, waiting to play as it wasn't released until this weekend. Got it 50% off thanks to already owning BF3: Premium, so that was nice.

Found some time tonight to finally give the game a quick play. Only played through about an hour of the single player campaign so far, but I must say it was enjoyable (if you like FPSers). Very nice graphics/visuals, and lots of cinematography style visuals and effects. Looks really good. You definitely need a good graphics card to get the most out of it though. The missions, voice acting, variety of locations and activities involved in are very varied and fun.

I liked the added realism of the sniper section I already played. In most games you just aim from a distance, get the sight lines up, and pick off the target. In this game you do that and you miss because you have to also consider distance. Most of the time I needed to aim 2-4 notches above the target, and slightly to the right to get a clean kill. Definitely adds to the feel.

Not had chance to try the multiplayer yet as I wanted to play through the single player first.

Anyone else played it yet?