Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Game deals
Teho 17:53 5th May 2018
There was some controversy around Mortal Kobat X on PC, enough that I sought a refund (but didn't get it). Specifically, Warner Bros announced they abandoned the PC version to focus on the console versions. Meaning the PC version would get no more bugfixes or DLC, and there were still some nasty bugs in there so there was a bit of an uproar. I sought a refund on the grounds that they had sold an unfinished product and announced that they were not going to finish it, ie they were not going to deliver what I had paid for. I hadn't played the game yet, but I had owned it for some months so didn't really qualify. And I didn't get it. I actually considered taking it to the norwegian consumer council as this definitely is in breach of norwegian consumer's rights. But I didn't bother in the end.

I still haven't played it. Googling it now however it seems Warner Bros changed their minds about six months later and continued support after all, fixed the remaining bugs and released the rest of the DLC. I didn't know this before now. I might get this for the DLC, I'll be paying for another copy of the game which I won't get but that is still cheaper than getting the DLC on it's own.