Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Met some actors
Demon Cleaner 10:34 29th June 2012
A good friend of mine is director (only shorts so far), and he's always around when there's some production, and the last 3 weeks they filmed here in Luxembourg the first 2 episodes of a new series called Air Force One is Down.

So last Friday, before the last filming day, they all went out for a drink together in Pygmalion, an Irish pub in the city, and he invited me to come with him.

He was also the driver for Linda Hamilton, but unfortunately she didn't come, as her plane left 5 o'clock in the morning, and she wanted to stay in the hotel that night.

But I met Jeremy Sisto, Emilie de Ravin, Cas Anvar and Jamie Thomas King. Very nice people, and Emilie is quite a heavy drinker One week before, she broke her tooth when she was drunk, nobody neither herself knew how it happened, and she had to go to the dentist to fix it. As she didn't want to go here, she wanted to fly back to L.A. to her dentist, but that would have stopped the production for 1 week, so they took her to Paris to fix it, what a story.

Jeremy Sisto had rented a whole hotel for himself, as he also brought his family. Nice guy, didn't get to talk too much to him, was quite busy on his phone all the time.

I also didn't stay too long, as it was also national holiday in Luxembourg, and I was invited together with my girlfriend at some of her friends place. She came with me for 30 minutes, as she wanted to meet Emilie, but then had to leave, as she was already late, but I stayed a bit longer. Emilie then came 10 minutes later, bad luck for my girlfriend