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Thread: 40 ºC ; 104 ºF for today here at Lisbon ....
Harrison 10:57 5th July 2012
I keep forgetting those south of the equator have back to front weather!
Submeg 12:25 12th July 2012
Originally Posted by Tiago:
28th – 45.7 °C (114.3 °F) ?????? WTF??? How do you survive?
That day was unbelievable... so hot! Felt like I was going to melt. That three weeks was so tiring, you couldn't sleep, the days you were exhausted!
Harrison 11:30 13th July 2012
Just think of us here in the UK with our complete contrast of weather. At the moment I'm thinking we should all be living in boats for the amount of rain we have had in the past month. 2 months rain fall in a day was bad enough for us, but up north they had one month in 3 hours! Mad!
Kin Hell 21:55 15th July 2012
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Global warming springs to mind as the answer. I thought they had noticed the jet stream was shifting already and mentioned it in the news ages ago. Although has it now shifted down? Whereas before it was shifting up away from France and towards us.
I feel global warming is only part of the answer. I'm convinced our Solar Systems planet alignment has something to do with it as well. It only happens approximately once every 26,000 years & happens at the end of the Mayan calender. That date is on Dec 21st 2012 for those not aware.
Harrison 22:54 15th July 2012
If that is true, you have to wonder what will happen between now and then, and also what will happen once we reach that date? At least my birthday is after the date (28th)
Kin Hell 13:04 18th July 2012
Originally Posted by Harrison:
If that is true, you have to wonder what will happen between now and then, and also what will happen once we reach that date? At least my birthday is after the date (28th)
I really do stay away from News progammes & papers, but I do follow the interesting stuff RE the lump of rock we live on. We think we are a powerful & dominant species on this lump of rock, but the forces of nature make us mere bacteria in comparison. We've seen nothing yet and have to come out of the alignment on the other side of Earths tilt yet, let alone the alignment of our planets.

Have you seen Venus in the sky at night recently? Difficult atm with all the rain for sure, but it's there and can bee seen without telescopes or even binoculars.
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