Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: UltimatePPC: Accelerator for Amiga 3000/4000
Tiago 17:12 28th May 2012
yes i agree.
I getting tired of reading news all over the years about new acceleration hardware for Amiga because in the end, or they never saw the daylight, or they have forbiden prices...

I would love to get my hands in a Natami of a board like those, but, 400/500 it's to much, i would get a new laptop with that, or a brand new 32" LCD...
or so many other stuff... i don't know about you, but here it's a lot of many... minimum salary is 458 euros.... can you believe that????
An average salary is 894 euros... And you have to remove taxes on top of that!!

In these days, if i say here in Portugal that i am going to buy a 500 euros card for the Commodore Amiga, i might get killed .... lol