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Thread: WinUAE 2.4.1 Betas
Demon Cleaner 21:48 24th April 2012
WinUAE 2.4.1 Beta 10

Originally Posted by :
- Partial rewrite of fastest possible CPU low latency vsync detection code. Should fix jitter caused by frame not always getting shown on screen at correct time.
- Low latency vsync and double frame mode (85Hz+): guarantee every other vblank is really skipped, previously it didnīt work correctly in some situations.
- Calculate final vblank busywait time from selected rate instead of using hardcoded 50Hz/100Hz-only compatible value. Fixes >50Hz no-buffer jitters.
- Emulate extra CPU time if it has been more than 7 lines since last extra CPU time, matches older behavior without losing 2.4.0+ performance increase.
- Fixed low latency vsync + fastest possible CPU getting in state where FPS dropped greatly temporarily, usually at startup.
- Show also drives that require admin privileges in harddrives panel, unselectable and marked with "Access denied" label. Only name shown because accessing any other attribute may require admin privileges.

Demon Cleaner 12:56 30th April 2012
WinUAE 2.4.1 Beta 11

Originally Posted by :
- Adjusted Fastest Possible timing a bit more..
- Better PC interlace screen mode detection.
- Fixed invalid MFM encoding when converting standard adf unencoded data to MFM encoding. (Few incorrect MFM clock bits) Another "no one cares" fix (since the beginning, does not affect adf data quality), noticed when testing m68k AROS trackdisk.device write support.
- Vsync mode sound sync shouldnīt be that aggressive. (bCool

Demon Cleaner 16:47 3rd May 2012
WinUAE 2.4.1 Beta 12 RC1

Originally Posted by :
- More Fastest possible + low latency vsync tweaks.
- Ignore sprite 0 (normally mouse pointer) when calculating autoscale position and size.
- Custom Input event editor usually crashed.
- CD32 boot screen autoscale improved.
- b10 "show drives that require admin privileges" hide drives that also have drive letter. Background info: for some strange reason USB memory card adapters have two devices, one (without drive letter) that canīt be accessed without admin privileges and drive letter device that can be accessed.
- Fastest possible CPU + low latency vsync and double frame mode (85Hz+) jitter fixed.
- "Masks" in filter panel is selected by default, "Overlays" is only selected if overlay image is already configured.
- Possible fix for D3D mask alignment errors in some scaling settings.

Demon Cleaner 17:41 7th May 2012
WinUAE 2.4.1 Beta 13 RC2 and Beta 14 RC3:

Originally Posted by :
Beta 14: (RC3) I think vsync updates are finally done now.

Cycle-exact/approximate CPU speed non-vsync b1 sound sync update didnīt work, it did nothing.
Some more low latency vsync timing updates, improved dynamic adjusment.
Legacy vsync slowdown problems fixed (2.4.0)
Restored (50Hz) and (60Hz) fake rates that were removed in 2.4.0. Only available in legacy vsync mode.
RTG + low latency vsync was not stable.

Beta 13: (RC2)

Possible improvement for low latency no buffer mode tearing problem.
* Fastest possible CPU: very simple dynamic flip delay timing adjustment. Reduces tearing (and slows down CPU emulation speed) but wonīt fix it completely. Difficult problem to solve 100% without losing too much CPU speed. Currently only way to remove tearing is to reduce CPU speed.
* Cycle-exact/approximate CPU: Tearing problem on some systems should be fixed.
Fastes possible low latency vsync sometimes flipped buffers before or during internal frame rendering, usual result was same frame being shown multiple times.
Legacy vsync refresh rate didnīt override internal chipset refresh rate causing very bad slow down if rates didnīt match.
Map directory filesystem Windows error ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER to AOS ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_AROUND, GetFreeSpace("path to empty CD drive") returns this code on some systems.
Validate SCSI INQUIRY data before using it when requesting IOCTL CDROM vendor and product names. It seems query can return success without returning any data in some situations.
Store beta dialog state to winuae.ini if enabled.
Random bsdsocket crash when calling gethostbyname() with numeric IP address. (2.4.0)
Allow again zero back buffers in DirectDraw mode, 2.3.3 allowed this configuration.
Canceling HD HDF cloning froze the GUI. (Possibly Vista and newer only)
Store also monitorīs system specific id string to config file, system can have multiple identical monitors.

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