Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Forum Runner
Teho 19:43 20th January 2012
Thought I'd suggest a neat little iPhone/Android app called Forum Runner. As you can probably guess, it's an app for browsing forums on your phone. The only catch is that the administrator of the forum must have installed the necessary support for it to work. This is apparently quickly and easily done. Harrison?

The app itself is of course tailored for mobile use, it's quite fast and gives access to nearly all features of the forum. I've been using it with another forum for a while and love it. Would be nice if it worked here too. I know we have a mobile web version for easier mobile use, but really, this app just works so much easier. The free version is read-only, sadly, but if you pay the about 2 euros they ask for it then you can post with it as well. Something to consider if you like checking the forum while on the move?