Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Buying before they are gone
Ghost 13:54 7th December 2011
Hello all,

As most of you may know the next generation of portable consoles is on the horizon (PSP Vita) or already out (3DS) and publishers are already moving towards supporting these formats.

While I am not a big portable console fan there have been games on it in the past which I liked and there are still several games out there I would like to play.
Thing is, usually when such a transfer takes place the games of the old console in time become very difficult to find and very expensive when they are offered on Ebay.

I am not really in the mood yet of playing these games as I have other priorities or wish to buy other games, it seems to me that if I ever want to get these games for a normal store price that I should buy them now and I should buy them fast.

I have in the past looked for old GBA games which technically are not that old yet but already fetch hefty prices because they simply can not be found in stores anymore (or complete)

Thing is, should I postpone the purchase of any older PC, Amiga, and console games when I am in the mood (and have money) to purchase these portable console games now?

Games I would still like to get are:

Advance Wars Days of Ruin
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time and Bowser's Inside Story
Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Sonic Rush Advanced (I think its called that)

And probably some others game that I can not think of right now