Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Bought three old Amigas, now what?
Mzwo 16:53 28th November 2011

hope this is the right place to ask this sort of thing.

as suggested above, I recently got hold of two A500 and one A600. They all start up as they should (no funny colours, although the A600 gives me glimpse of blue before going back to white), but seem to differ in performance. Some disks the one A500 doesn't like are happily read by the other, the A600 doesn't appear to like most of the disks I got with it, occassionally the machines appear to stop (or am I just to darn inpatient?), etc, etc.

My question hence: Is there anything I should do the machines (such as: clean, screw on, check, etc)?

Also: The A600 has Workbench installed on the HD (no idea which version) which seems to be corrupted. I can't open any tools or edit preferences, for instance. Any point in formatting and reinstalling? And how do I go about doing this?
