Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: HDD price rise!
Demon Cleaner 11:17 4th November 2011
Did already someone notice the big price rise of HDDs? I heard it some days ago on TV, 50% of HDDs are built in Thailand, and due to the happenings there, the production encountered problems, and that's why the prices went up almost double!!!

I checked now with the disks I bought lately for my Qnap, and indeed, the price went up 100%. Quite happy that I don't need a NAS at this moment.
Stephen Coates 13:06 4th November 2011
It was in the PC Pro newsletter the other day. I was quite surprised, but I suppose these things happen.

Fortunately, I don't need to buy any hard disks now.
Harrison 16:25 4th November 2011
I saw this also last week. Due to all the flooding in Asia. It should come back down to previous price levels in a couple of months once the flooding is over.

Just shows the impact of relying on a certain product from one location/supplier, and what can happen when it goes wrong.
Bloodwych 14:36 5th November 2011
I also noticed many stores immediately put their prices up on current stock (which they bought at low prices) to cash in.

Probably normal practice I guess, as they will have to pay higher prices to re-stock, then may have to lower the prices on that expensive stock in thefuture so they do it to level things out in the long run.

Ebay will be doing a good trade on second hand drives I'd imagine! Luckily, I have no need for any drives at the moment, unless one fails *touchwood*.
DonAmiga 22:11 6th November 2011
Yes my HD died last Friday had a look on line at a computer shop I use, £30 popped into town to the shop £48 same HD just that they hadn't updated their site (which it does say online to phone for latest prices) anyway he's going on about what's happening with the price rises. I said, I'll just leave it, next day had a look on gumtree, there's one double the size £10 got it and working great
J T 20:57 7th November 2011
Are SSD prices changing?