Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Floppy pr0n
Stephen Coates 04:22 3rd September 2011
Look what arrived for me the other day...

Its a Teac FD-55A in a case to make a BBC AND-01 external disk drive for the BBC computer.

Looks nice. It is in pristine cosmetic condition.

It is a 40 track, single sided, double density drive, so gives 100 kilobytes on a BBC.

Mmm, I wonder what I could do with all that space.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to work properly. It doesn't seem to attempt to read the disks. Not sure whether the floppy drive is at fault or the BBC's disk controller. If it is the drive, hopefully it will be repairable. If not, I suppose it will make a nice ornament.