Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 2.3.3 Beta 5
Demon Cleaner 16:25 22nd August 2011
Beta 5:

Originally Posted by :
- CD image audio play buffer size increased, some system have glitchy sound if buffer is too small
- on the fly resolution change didnīt reset all parameters
- resolution autoswitch now uses startup resolution and doubling values as highest supported mode (internal display buffer needs to be as big as max supported mode and it canīt be re-allocated on the fly without major display glitches)
- RTG modes were rendered twice/frame, caused performance loss (b1)
- do not add >2M chip RAM to memory list if it is already added (perhaps m68k AROS does this automatically in future)
- borderblank change didnīt redraw all changed scanlines
- key/button mapped to mouse directions didnīt work
- Add Harddrive allowed without admin privielges, removable drives do not seem to require extra privileges. (anymore?)
- b4 sprite optimization fix was broken
- automatic scaling max scaling values adjusted, now 3.x max overscan fits completely on screen
