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Thread: Facebook and Google +
Tiago 12:28 27th July 2011
Are you on both?
I am now on Google +, and looks fine, more simple then facebook, and i like the sync between gmail/G+/picassa/gdocs. You sign in at google and you have access to all.
Facebook looks more "what am i thinking at this moment" and G+ more like "what did i do".
Facebook is great for finding old friends, but to share information about what you being doing is sh**
nobody cares about what are you doing, if you put one of your projects in it, nobody cares to much, people just want fast posts with gossip and jokes, or checking photos of others people lifes. It could be good for promoting activities or share a movement, but it's only a few cases.
I just hope G+ turns to be something different...

what you think about it? Or do you can not stand anymore this social networks?
Stephen Coates 12:33 27th July 2011
Not used Google +. Maybe I will try it out when it becomes as popular as Facebook. I do have a Facebook account but I don't really use it. I only log in occasionally to have a quick nosy on everyone.
SamuraiCrow 15:21 27th July 2011
I'm on Google+ but I'm not going to waste my time on Facebook. Google+ lets you filter out which inputs are in your stream according to which social circles you are looking at. It also lets you send messages that are only targeted to some of your social circles. That's a little different from the wall on Facebook where your messages all get posted the same place.
DonAmiga 19:18 27th July 2011
None, facebook has never appealed to me so cant see me using google +. I once signed up to friend-reunited and the first person that sends me a email was an ex that was enough for me deleted the account.

just stick to Amiga sites now
Harrison 23:23 27th July 2011
I'm a member of both, but don't use either much. Only got an invite to Google + to see what it was all about and how they have approached it compared to Facebook. For professional use LinkedIn is a much better network to use as people take it much more seriously. Facebook is just a global gossip playground populated by teens and women wanting to nose into everyone's lives. I also hope Google+ doesn't end up just being a copy of Facebook and instead does something more useful for people who are not just wishing to gossip, but instead use it for project collaboration, sharing information and networking.
Submeg 05:46 5th August 2011
Facebook concerns me with their lack of security...trying to own everything...
Demon Cleaner 15:08 5th August 2011
Originally Posted by Submeg:
Facebook concerns me with their lack of security...trying to own everything...
Doesn't Google have a bit of the same politics?
Harrison 15:22 5th August 2011
Definitely. Look at how they collect users surfing habits to target advertising, and also how they collect and store every message ever sent through a gmail account. Not brilliant.
Puni/Void 07:03 10th August 2011
Used to have a Facebook-account, but disabled it a long while ago. Did try out Google+ when it was released, but it was not for me, so I cancelled that account as well.
DonAmiga 23:00 10th August 2011
I was having a read at this and thought i would post it here! As its a news report "Anonymous: We'll kill Facebook on bonfire night"