Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Bought a Media Player
Demon Cleaner 05:05 7th July 2011
I didn't want to get a media player, as I use my PS3 for that stuff, streaming only though. But last week I was again browsing through the MPC forums to see if there's anything new. They had some newer stuff, although not the best, so I was also checking out again some older reviews, mainly from 2009.

That's when I came across the Mede8er MED500, and a their site, which is kinda reliable, it got their award as best player. So I went to their site, and to my joy, they had the MED500X2, second version of the award winner, which came out the 1st of June this year.

So I checked out some online reviews, and on the 3-4 sites I was, it got only the best reviews, apparently this new one is again top quality and a top player, although it only has some features, like playing BD ISO, USB 3.0 or DTS-HD MA and TrueHD bitstream, more than the older model.

I then looked at the price, which was only 169€, which I found quite reasonable. So I ordered one, with 1TB disk, which was then 229€, and I'm looking forward getting it, it got shipped yesterday.

I bought it so that I can leave my PS3 only for gaming and BD watching. The fan is quite noisy and the streaming is not working all the time with f.ex. .mkv files. And I also doesn't play every .mkv file, so that I have to convert it first. Lately I used Showtime Viewer, which comes with MultiMan, and that one works a least better than streaming with PS3 Media Server or Twonky (which still doesn't support .mkv files). This way, I also want to give my PS3 a longer life.

The Mede8er of course can do a lot more, I still will use streaming, but I will put all my series f.ex. on the internal disk. I'm gonna give you an update on its functionality and how good/bad it works once I have it.

Here's some pictures:
