Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money
Ghost 14:52 22nd February 2011
Hello all,

As some of you probably already know, the first DLC for FNV titled Dead Money has been released for the PC and PS3 today. (it was released for the Xbox last year's Christmas).
As I am a big fan of Fallout I have asked the moderators at No Mutants Allowed if it is okay if I write a review for the game.

Perhaps people here will like it if I put a link to the review here on Classic Amiga's PC forum, telling my thoughts on the game and if its worth getting.
Harrison 22:08 22nd February 2011
I would definitely be interested to find out what you thought of it, and if it is worth while.
Ghost 02:24 26th February 2011
The review is still being written but in general I am very positive about this DLC.

If you like story based campaigns and interacting with a couple of well worked out characters, each with their own background and motivations, this DLC already makes a good start.

The setting might not sound much at first but reveals itself to be far more complex, having a background that goes far beyond being a forgotten casino resort.

Because of the gameplay which has been slightly altered to make this more of a survival game, players will be extra cautious and careful because of the scarcity of supplies and the various mysteries and dangers that are hidden in the Cloud.

I do agree with a couple of others than the game might get repetitive after a while, but people mustn't forget that this is not an action oriented DLC, its a story focused on.
There are enemies that need to be defeated or avoided but no massive armies with loads of guns.

Gamers would be better off playing a FPS if they want something like that.

Only other drawback that I might think of, but that is the case with many story focused games is that after two walkthroughs you know the story and might not be interested in doing it again.
But its not a bad story.
Puni/Void 07:04 2nd March 2011
I'm playing Dead Money now.. it's hard, VERY hard, if you try to complete it in hardcore mode.
Ghost 13:01 15th April 2011
Dammit, this took way longer than I had intended.
I had a school project that kept me occupied longer than I wanted and I needed to go through Dead Money once more to get some screenshots.

Without further delay, here is my review of Dead Money;
Harrison 16:02 15th April 2011
Great. I will read it when I get back home later tonight.