Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Predator: The Musical
Teho 14:50 25th February 2011

Demon Cleaner 15:05 25th February 2011
"Don't shave, you don't have a beard"
Harrison 15:16 25th February 2011

But don't let Arnie see this or he might think it's a good idea and want to make it!
Shoonay 09:38 27th February 2011

But I still prefer "Get To The Choppa" by the Austrian Death Machine

Demon Cleaner 06:44 1st March 2011
That is really great, I like what Tim Lambesis does, I have both of the Austrian Death Machine CDs, plus some of As I Lay Dying, cool stuff.
J T 10:41 6th March 2011
Have you seen those rap synopses of Predator & Robocop by The Anomalies? I think I posted htem here before, they are just ACE:

One day at work I had these running on loop while I was doing some surgery practice, what a day that was.
Demon Cleaner 13:11 7th March 2011
There's also Will Sasso in the Terminator 2 Superfantastic Musical, funny stuff