Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Playstation 3 RPGs
Harrison 00:45 2nd March 2011
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
I liked Steambot Chronicles, but only played it very shortly. Didn't know that there would be a sequel. Will it be for next gen?
Yes, PS3 exclusive.

I loved the steampunk universe and atmosphere in the original game. And looking at trailers they have fully retained the look and feel of the original. If you haven't played the original fully you really should. Great story, and Mech customisation; plus the Stempunk Mech design is quite different from the usual standard futuristic BattleTech style Mechs we see in a lot of games.

The sequel has been in development since 2006, and was last shown at 2007 E3 and other events. EREM are saying it will finally be released in 2011.

It's also called Bumpy Trot in Japan. Much prefer the western name!

Some old trailers:
