Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Phantom of the Floppera
Submeg 07:03 16th February 2011
Phantom of the Floppera
Demon Cleaner 07:19 16th February 2011
Sounds really cool, a bit like old Deep Purple
Stephen Coates 16:03 18th February 2011
Sounds good.
Anyone know how that was done?

You might be surprised to here this, but I have never really heard much floppy drive music.
Harrison 16:33 18th February 2011
Others have written their own floppy drive control software that can be used to compose tunes. Not sure how this exact one was done though... although these videos can easily also be fakes. If they are real they normally end up destroying the drives and floppy disks.

I've seen a few others over the years do this, some on Amigas, but most on older drivers like the C64 floppy drives because you can make them perform more noises. I'm sure we have some links on here somewhere to some of them.

None of this beats F teams being able to make their car engines play tunes though! That is just amazing.