Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: 300
Demon Cleaner 09:15 7th March 2007
Movie based on a Frank Miller's graphic novel. Will be released Friday 9th march. I've seen some trailers, and there are awesome visual effects.

IMdb link
Harrison 11:00 7th March 2007
I just looked at some of the photos and this does look good.
Teho 15:13 7th March 2007
I've read the graphic novel it's based on, and that is really good. Considering how anal Miller is about someone adapting his work (he wouldn't let anyone touch Sin City until Rodriguez showed him exactly how accurately he was going to follow the books), this movie ought to be just as great. Can't wait!
Demon Cleaner 00:40 22nd March 2007
WOW. Just finished watching the movie. I liked it very much, it's very dark and the visual effects are indeed awesome, gorgeous and outstanding. I had a very good XVid 2CD version of the movie

@Harrison: The film is still in my Easynews queue, 1.36GB. Get it and watch it
Harrison 07:29 22nd March 2007
Cool, thanks. I will download it now.

Been looking forward to this film since seeing the recent trailers and the stills.
Demon Cleaner 12:53 22nd March 2007
The battle scenes are just awesome, I haven't seen any better until now.
Harrison 13:52 22nd March 2007
I can't wait to watch it. I'm going to set it to download in a minute. Just need to reinstall Getright so I don't have any download problems that could affect your download quota.
Demon Cleaner 16:07 22nd March 2007
I used GetRight for several years now, but lately it made me problems with Easynews, and it got quite annoying. Also it wouldn't start the d/l with small files I wanted to get. I now use Flashget, and it works fine together with the Firefox Flashgot extension.
Harrison 18:20 22nd March 2007
Ah, I completely forgot about Flashget. I am now using that instead of Getright. I was put off of Getright when I tried to install it easlier and discovered it now comes with adware and a built in games arcade which I don't want in a download utility. Plus it costs money, whereas FlashGet is free!

I've now installed FlashGet and also installed the Firefox add-on FlashGot so that is all sorted, and the film is now downloading.

I had also forgotten about the useful little drag and drop icon it floats into the desktop. Very useful.
J T 21:25 26th March 2007
Have you seen it yet?

I've heard opinions ranging from awesome to hard ghey (the guys in pants is a bit.... y'know...... funny looking )
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