Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: 300
Harrison 21:35 26th March 2007
I've not had chance to watch it yet, but hopefully will this week. I've already converted the files into a DVD and it is burnt and ready to watch.
Demon Cleaner 23:44 26th March 2007
Go for it, I want to hear your opinion.

rayzorblue 13:42 27th March 2007
I went to the cinema to see it on opening night and was not disappointed, the battle scenes are amazing and it is a very faithful recreation of the graphic novel (as it would have to be with Frank Miller). The story of the Spartans is a fascinating one anyway and i had a lot of trouble convincing my mate it was based on a true story (300,000 Persians were happy slapped by King Leonidas and his 300) .
The acting is solid especially from Gerard Butler (Leonidas) and there is some great dialogue my favorite line being “It’s only an eye; the gods saw fit to grace me with a spare!” lol a great cinematic experience that 8 of us went to see with only one of us not raving about it when we left (but his favourite film is the fast and the furious lol).
I would heartily recommend this film to any fan of Millers and any fan of gory lush battle scenes.
Demon Cleaner 13:52 27th March 2007
Originally Posted by :
(but his favourite film is the fast and the furious lol)
Nuff said.
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