Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: I'm writing a library for "running" co-processors
wilsonsamm 04:12 11th November 2010
I'm writing a library (for linux at the moment, but I'd like to see it compile and run on other platforms too) that lets a user (user of the library, i.e. a programmer) to load binaries into a coprocessor's workspace and set it to run. You can also set breakpoints, examine memory etc. etc.

There are several uses for this: You could let an old CP/M program run on an emulated Z80, while trapping the syscalls and translating them to the equivalent syscalls of the host operating system. (Maybe we can use this to bring 68K compatibility to AROS?) Another use is running software on your GPU etc.

Well I thought the Amiga is a perfect example of a computer where one might want to do plenty of this kind of thing. Besides typically having some excellent coprocessors, the Amiga One has a 68K on board if I'm not mistaken, and maybe classic Amigas that are expanded with accelerators and such will now also be able to use the internal CPU for a little extra power

My question is this: Is there enough interest in this among the Amiga community to establish a small dev team?